Become an Earth Tender

Clear trauma from homes and land

Partner with the nature spirits to create lasting change

And help bring the places you live and visit into balance and harmony

Dear Future Earth Tender,

If you want to be able to shift the energy of the land in the places that you visit by clearing old trauma and low vibe energies so that the land feels healed, healthy and happy, this letter is for you. 

Are you already receiving messages from the Spirits of the Land, but don’t know how to interpret them or what to do about them?

Perhaps you’ve already tried sending love and light to the land, putting up energetic boundaries in a location, or creating crystal grids, but you’re just not sure that anything is working.

This is a very common approach to land healing - I see it all the time!


Healers often tell me that they have experienced homes, land or bodies of water with issues that they know they’re being asked to assist with and they know they have the skills to help, but they just can’t seem to connect the dots between what the Spirits of the Land are asking for and how to accomplish it.

If you want to actually heal the land, you need to do more than just sending love and light. 

Love and light is always appreciated of course, it’s like a healing balm that will give a boost of energy to any location that you visit. 

But to create lasting change in the energy present on the land, a healer has to address the underlying issue that created the problem in the first place.

And each situation is incredibly unique and nuanced. 

There are many possible issues that might need to be healed and if you don’t take the right approach, you won’t solve the problem.

It’s All About Partnership

In order to truly transform the energy in a location, you need to do the specific work that the Spirits of the Land are asking you to do. 

These spirits know exactly what has to be done because they live in this location 24/7. They’re acquainted with all of the energies present and activities that have occurred there - backwards and forwards in time - and they know exactly what’s needed to resolve any issues.

If they’re asking for your help or showing you issues on the land, it’s because they know that you have the ability to help them!

What most healers don’t realize is that in order to understand the specific needs of the land, you first have to come into partnership with the Spirits of the Land so that they can guide you step-by-step.

Once you understand how to create this partnership, you’ll be able to walk into any location and engage the spirits of the land into your unique process, partner with them, understand what needs to be done and then do the energy work that is needed to clear old, stagnant energy and bring lasting change.

When the old energy has been healed and transmuted, you’ll begin to see the physical manifestations of that work. Plants and trees will grow faster, water will flow better, birds and animals will return to the area, and people will want to spend time there.

How I Heard the Call

I learned to do this many years ago when I first learned to channel with the Spirits of the Land.

For years, I had also heard the call from nature. But I wasn’t quite sure exactly what I was being asked to do. 

I looked online, asked other healers, and had readings done trying to get more insight, but couldn’t find any courses, books, or mentors at the time who could help me understand the messages I was receiving.

The spirits ultimately led me to take a Shamanic Healer Training program. This was where I learned how to do healing work with people. 

And that led me to learning how to channel with spirits.

Once I learned how to communicate directly with the Spirits of the Land, they were able to tell me everything they had been trying to communicate to me for years.

The first thing they taught me was how to do a reading and healing session with the land.

Then they told me to do the process five more times with people I knew. And everything they showed me worked!

Once I saw how powerful it was to partner directly with the Spirits of the Land, I started offering this healing work publicly. I consistently heard feedback about the remarkable shifts and changes had occurred after the healing work.

Five years and hundreds of readings later, I’ve refined this into a method that I now call Earth Tending – which helps you to shift the energy of the land in the places that you visit by clearing old trauma and low vibe energies so that the land feels healed, healthy and happy.

I then decided that this work would have a much greater impact if there were more energy healers offering our gifts to the land and I decided to start teaching other people how to do it as well.

You Need A Framework

I often hear from people who are new to land healing work that they’re nervous that they’ll make a mistake and mess something up.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Your intention is the most powerful element in the process. You cannot create a bad outcome from a good intention.

Some people are worried about interacting with low vibe spirits. And that’s a valid concern. They exist and we need to know how to engage safely.

Through the Earth Tending Method, I teach you the framework for navigating the Middle World (where we and the nature spirits live) and how to handle any kind of spirit you might encounter in an empowering way.

Once you learn the Earth Tending Method for yourself, you can offer your skills to any location in need.

I teach you the framework, and then how you apply your own unique gifts is up to you. There’s no rigid formula you have to follow once you understand the energies involved and what you’re trying to accomplish.

Whatever your unique approach to energy work is - it will work with the land!

You’ll feel like an integral part of the landscape where you live and will benefit from the healing energy offered to you from the Spirits of the Land in gratitude for your generous time and offerings.

Word will spread among the nature spirits and they will recognize you when you arrive somewhere as a helper and someone they can count on if they have a need.

Word will spread among the nature spirits and they will recognize you when you arrive somewhere as a helper and someone they can count on if they have a need.

You’ll begin to see the results of your work ripple out across your community in fun and unexpected ways.

You’ll feel like you truly belong to the place where you live (and will know how to cultivate that feeling if you move somewhere new).

Plus, this is a skill you can offer to others as part of your healing business.

The Spirits of the Land will see you as a true partner and an Earth Tender.

Join the Earth Tenders Academy

As an Earth Tender, you’ll be able to communicate with the Spirits of the Land to understand the challenges and needs of a particular place and then contribute healing energy to help transform the frequency and vibration of the land.

Then, you’ll be able to confidently offer intuitive energy readings and do healing work with the earth (either for your own purposes or as an offering in your business!).

My intention is to walk you through the entire process (my system) from:

  • Understanding how to set a safe container for yourself when doing this work,

  • Connecting with the specific features and energies in the landscape where you live

  • The different elements of earth energies you might encounter

  • The exact specifics of how to do healing work with the land in your own unique way

And we’ll do that without any rigid processes that don’t allow for your own creativity and gifts to shine through!


  • You have some experience with at least one healing modality. It’s helpful to have a basic understanding of doing energy work through reiki, shamanic healing, mediumship, etc. 

  • You feel a deep connection with the Earth. Whether it’s the Earth itself, or something specific like water, animals, weather, crystals, etc, you feel drawn to explore these elements on a deeper level and want to communicate and partner with them.

  • You're creative and open to experimenting with something new. Energy healing and working with the Spirits of the Land is an inherently creative process. If you can use your imagination, you’ll love doing land healing work.

Some of the things you might be looking for right now:

  • Land healing guidance that’s easy to understand and implement

  • A strong foundation and practice in shamanic journeying and healing skills

  • To explore esoteric topics like working with timelines and portals

  • A desire to learn more about the place you live and how you belong to it

  • Specific instruction on the different methods to do healing work with the land


Working with the Spirits of the Land and the energies of the Earth has some unique challenges different from doing healing work with people.

There’s three places I’ve found where healers often get stuck when learning to do land healing work:

  • Not knowing if you’re truly tapping into the energy that’s present on the land

  • Not knowing what to do with the messages you’re receiving

  • Feeling like you don’t have a solid system or process to follow when approaching land healing work

First, you’d like to know that you’re truly tapped into the energy of the place you’re working.

Nature spirit communication is subtle and largely empathic. Most people are expecting to receive spontaneous downloads in full sentences as if they were talking to another person. But most of these spirits have never been human and don’t understand how to speak to us like a human.

In the Earth Tenders Academy, we practice:

  • Noticing the subtle communication in your environment. You might be surprised at how many nature spirits are already sending you messages - you just need some practice discerning between the different messages coming through and what they could mean.

  • Experimenting with different forms of connecting. There’s no one way to do this work, so we have to figure out what your expertise is for channeling with the Spirits of the Land and let the information flow to you the way it does best.

  • Monthly property readings. The number one way to confirm and validate what you’re getting so that you can trust what’s coming through your channel is by doing practice readings with others so that you can compare notes. Every month, we gather on Zoom to do a group reading and share our experiences. 

Second, when you do receive messages, you need to know what to do with them.

The result? You’ll not only be able to consistently connect with the Spirits of the Land in every reading you do, but you’ll trust the information you’re receiving. Before you know it, you’ll be speaking a totally new language. The language of the land. A tongue our ancestors knew well that’s lying dormant within your cells too, just waiting to be remembered.

Sometimes the messages we receive seem odd, or don’t have any context, or are more of a feeling or idea than clear direction from the nature spirits. How do you know what to do when that happens? Through the Earth Tenders Academy, you’ll learn:

  • The different ways the Spirits of the Land communicate with us and how you might experience that in your body.

  • How to discern the different types of energies who are communicating with you and what they might want assistance with.

  • The exact ways to do energy healing work so that you can see and feel any issues get resolved.

And third, you'll learn a step-by-step process for how to approach land healing work. 

When you tune into a piece of land, there can be thousands of years of history present that are all combining to create the vibe that you’re picking up there. How do you know where to begin? What elements might you encounter? In the Earth Tenders Academy, you’ll:

  • Understand how to peel back the layers and generations of spirits and energy in a location to discover which issues could use your assistance and how to approach them.

  • Know exactly which spirits to engage with and what their special skills are that they can offer (along with which ones to ignore).

  • Get my Property Reading guided meditation and worksheet that walks you through the exact process of what to do and which questions to ask, in what order, so you don’t feel like you’re missing or forgetting anything each time you do a reading or healing session!

Once you can discern the different elements present on the land and how they may be helping or hurting the energy there, you can begin to offer property readings in your own unique way!

This is what it means to be an Earth Tender.

Somewhere deep down in your bones, you remember that you came here with something special to offer this planet in this lifetime. And if you’re not quite sure what that is or how to do it, I’m here as your guide on this journey. 

We’ll walk into those dark little corners of the Earth or the vast expanses of the universe together. Sometimes I will shine a light to illuminate the view and other times, we’ll just stand together in the dark, waiting for our eyes to adjust, before suddenly noticing something we couldn’t see before.

It’s all a part of the journey.

This is your invitation to join us and become an Earth Tender.


Once you join, you’ll get immediate access to the Earth Tenders Academy lessons and guided meditations. There’s no hard schedule for the course - you can work through it as your time allows (or binge it all right away!).

We all meet together twice a month on Zoom. The first call is a group property reading where I lead us through a guided journey to a specific home or location somewhere in the world to meet with the Spirits of the Land there and do any healing work they request. After the journey, we share our experiences. This call is on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4pm Central Time.

This is the number one, fastest way to improve your property reading skills and get confirmation that you really are getting it since you get to compare your notes with everyone else! You’ll begin to trust your intuitive skills through these experiences.

The second call is “Office Hours” where you can ask questions and we can work through how you’re connecting with the Spirits of the Land, the specific elements you’re encountering in your practice with the land and how to discern them, and how you’re using your healing gifts to shift the energy of the land. This call is on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 2pm Central Time.

Once you join the Earth Tenders Academy, you’ll be invited to these calls each and every month. As long as you’re interested in participating, you can continue joining the live calls (or watching the replays). Once an Earth Tender, always an Earth Tender!

We’ll also have a welcome call, just for this class where we can get to know each other and you can ask any questions you have after the first few weeks of working through the course.

There’s also a private Facebook community where you can share your experiences and connect with other Earth Tenders and you’ll receive invites to in-person retreats and events just for students!

The more you practice and participate, the more magic you’ll begin to find right in your own backyard.



  • 20 Audio Lessons, To fully explain the concepts covered in the course

  • 18 Guided Meditations, To implement and embody each lesson through your own personal experience

  • Two monthly live calls to implement and practice your skills

  • Private Facebook Group


How to start your own intuitive reading and healing business

Invitations to special in-person retreats and events only for ETA students

A special gift in the mail

Price: $799 or $199.75 today

Then 3 more monthly payments of $199.75



Believe it or not, we all have spirit guides as well as the ability to tap into intuitive information. You don’t have to “see” spirits to be able to do this work. But it does require some practice and getting familiar with the way you process subtle information, which you will have the opportunity to do in this course.


Yes! Much of this course is focused on safety and boundaries so you can feel confident in working in spirit in any way you choose.


No matter where you’re at on your journey to develop your skills, you should be able to fully participate in the course. Each person is going to be able to experience it to a different level, but many of the exercises and practices will be “real world” experiences as much as they are in spirit. And I’ve found that the more you do these kinds of things, the more you’re signaling to the spirits that you’re interested in working with them and the easier it will be to connect with them whether that’s having a two way conversation or beginning to experience them around you through synchronicities in your daily life. It’s all a part of the process of developing your skills!


Tons!! While I have certainly described many of these skills and concepts on my blog and podcast, this course is designed to walk you through not only understanding, but also practicing these skills. The learning comes from doing, both in community with other people and your guides.


No, this is a self study course. The lessons and meditations are pre-recorded and delivered through a private podcast. What that means is that you’ll have all the content on your phone to listen to whenever it’s convenient for you - driving to work, going for a walk, or doing the dishes! You’ll just want to find some quiet time to sit down and listen to the meditations.


That’s really up to you and how much time you have to invest. Each lesson is 20-30 minutes long with one or more guided meditations to help you better integrate or practice the skills and information. You’ll also have access to the course materials for as long as the course exists, so you can work through the material at your own pace or revisit sections you want to spend more time on later.


Yes! If you listen to to all of the course materials and guided meditations and practice your skills by listening to at least three property reading calls and don’t feel like you’re having any success, then I’ll meet with you one-on-one on Zoom to personally coach you through the process. If you still don’t feel like the method works for you, I’ll refund any payments you’ve made for the course.


Name: Megan Schmidt

Location: Big Rock, Tennessee

Name: Kara Daniels

Location: Stevensville, Montana

Name: Jan Peck

Location: Kansas City, Kansas

“Working with the land has helped in my work with people too!”

Name: Lindsey Swope

“Working with both the ancestors of the land and the ancestors of our blood is a key point that I think some people miss out on. It was a very enriching experience.”

Name: Dani Bahnsen

“I've been in other classes where you have to do things just the way the teacher says, say things in the same words, and that always felt confining. This course feels just right. It's so accepting of how we all have our different gifts.”

Name: Marie Aguirre

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

“People are able to say…I’m not strange. And we’re doing good work. The Earth needs us and wants us to help”.

Name: Tracey Eaton

“It's amazing the interconnectedness when you get a group of people doing this work together. There are no other groups like this.”

Name: Maina Costa

Name: Shae House

“Sometimes when I do this work the spirits get so excited because it’s been so long since anyone saw them or felt them or looked for them”

Name: Cathy Carter

“Humans lost this magic and enchantment a long time ago. I'm grateful to Amy for being one of the great pillars of light who's saying YES to deepening this connection with the land.”

Name: Erin Rude

Name: Sharon White

“This is the first course I've taken where I actually got to have the experience of what was being taught and realized…I'm doing this! I can trust myself!”

I'd be honored to have you join us on this collective journey that is the Earth Tenders Academy.